Sunday, April 29, 2012

Goddess Helix

 The Goddess has visioned
and beheld humanity
the double helix
in its sine wave trough

masculine and feminine
both traveling
to rise and crest

and in this balance
her perfection is seen
in a world of chaos

yes, love and peace
the crest of the wave
are what bring
the dolphins joy

and so we return
from the depths of darkness
remembering not despair
but transformation

charlie Riverman bergeron 4.26.12


There but for a moment I saw you
spiraling into infinity among us all
never letting on that you knew me
pretending that you didn't hear the call

The drum, the only sound allowed
that the vision could not dismiss
kept us marching through the universe
in bubbles of Light and Bliss

charlie Riverman bergeron 4.29.12

Munay-Ki Reflection

Standing still,
a Hollow Reed cast into empty canyons
an offering to the light beings of Peru,
surrounded by feathers and spiderwebs
the Dream Catcher we become

and so the Condor travels to meet the Eagle

now the seeds have been planted
and in sprouting they spread like Liana vines
which will strangle off the destructive forces
and flower for Hummingbird to sip the nectar within

Charlie Riverman Bergeron 4.24.12

Monday, April 9, 2012

Birth of Form

Archer CG by Sanja Klaic Bilic
Somewhere within the rainbow
exist the brilliant bursts
that flash-dance across our eyes
and intoxicate our minds

gracious kaleidoscope patterns

that form an instant recall
of the birth of form
in a world of creation

charlieRivermanbergeron 4.8.12

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Replace Fear

O how we languish in the construct of our minds, whether to calmly proceed into the unknown or stay forever tethered to the perceptions of others.

Let us be curious then and throw off the chains of our bondage and become naked and innocent once again.

To see beyond the limited experiences we have accumulated and soar free, without fear or anger.

Into the opening heavens of creation, flowing in which direction, only the awesome power of wonder awaits our transit.

cRb 4.7.12