Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 Message Returning Home

Blessings of Peace, Light and Love to each of you.
In speaking from dimensions known to us, only in brief glimpses, I wish to express that every human will be accessing messages and communications in 2014. There will be many interpretations of these messages and on the surface it may cause confusion and the ego will create competition.

It is now quite commonplace right now, yet very few wish to speak out in public, as the element of fear is still genetically attached to their core experience. This will change in the coming year and many more of you will come forth with truths and wisdom that will challenge all human behavioral patterns, both in yourselves and in particular to those immediately around you.

Let this thought drift into your mind gently and know that you are, and have agreed, to be a part of this transmutation of humanity. There should always be an air of skeptic analysis for your minds to be able to breathe in, so please remain questioners of all that is presented to you. Find all that resonates with you without excessive alarm and explore some of the reasons, why others do or do not, in order to gain better alignment.

As a collective consciousness you have done this before several times but never to this degree and so some old ways may be remembered but they will not work during this sequence of events. The past has been filled with control and the extraction of elements for specific purposes; this will not occur again.

Each of you represent a fragment of energy that has been separated only partially from its source. This has reached the farthest point of separation that can occur within the environment in which it is contained. Therefore it will now return transformed by its experiences, or it may better be said that; you will now reap the benefit of all that has transpired both collectively and individually.
This will bring the collective body we know and enjoy now as humanity into contact with many other life forms and energy sources on a conscious level, which will be beneficial to all beings in many dimensions.

Please keep your hearts open, remove the filters from your minds and know that the only interference in this process is fear. Our ability to transcend this has been greatly enhanced so that fear can been rendered down to a minor inconvenience as a bodily function at this grid point in our evolution.

Know that all life is changing in one manner or another and that it is perfectly fine to be apprehensive; however we will not nor cannot ever be alone in this.

Eyes Open, Heart Open, Together In Love,
cRb 12.31.13

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Reflections of Riverman

Here is my new facebook page if you are so inclined to like

Reflections of Riverman

Trying to link my several internet portals and I'm not very savvy about this so please indulge me as I learn.
I will still post here and try to keep it posting to my Google+ page and I appreciate all of you who just like the plain old email subscriptions.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


In our search for paradise

we forget to open our hearts
looking for something
we cannot see

we forget to feel the vibration
of the music
we cannot hear

paradise the eternal song
surrounds us
in loving refrains

lifting us out of these bodies
caressing us tenderly

so precious we are
....her children

Charlie Riverman Bergeron 9/18/2010

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Exploded Beliefs

As the Sun sets
on the beliefs
we once held
a new dawn will rise
filling our minds
with new visions
which will carry us
into our constantly evolving
and multidimensional Self-hood
So mourn not at loss
but celebrate
the beauty of transformation
for it is through transformation
that transmutation occurs

cRb 11.19.13

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

All We Are Is Love

Taken on 11.13.2013 York, Maine USA                   © cRb 2013
We... have given the ego a will
in our searching for who we are
it has taken our identity and hidden it
just beyond our reach
that we may have to rely
on it 's power of articulation
in order to see ourselves conditionally

Love... is what we are
Unconditional and Free
far beyond what the ego can hide
this is our Divinity
constant and unchangeable
without any restrictions
an unlimited and attainable
Source of Self

Open your Hearts
put your ego to bed
breathe deeply into
All that you are.

cRb 11.13.13

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

September 2013

Angels are everywhere

I will apologize for the lack of pictures in this post but I have been a bit behind in a lot of areas and now catching up. The words however I have not lost this time and figured before I do... I better publish them.

The rest of the world is now beginning to take responsibility for the errors which have been thrust upon them unknowingly. As a collective of human beings they have a far reaching past like the indigenous peoples North America and many of us who are now connecting to our ancestral DNA see the horror which awaits in the future if it is not addressed.

There will be a battle on Earth unlike any other we have ever seen... it is about our existence and that of all living beings. We must maintain our heart sense and know that we are not alone in this and it will be our declaration of independence as Humans.

Our strength is in knowing that through Love not fear we will set it all aright. May Peace abide within each of you as we move forward and bring about balance once again.
 cRb 5.20.13

Balancing the heart and the mind
we center between the real and unreal
consciously aware that either one
can appear or disappear in the moment

This moment to the mind is an illusion
and yet to the heart is all there is

As the stars sparkle in the night sky
so are we sparkling between each other
and yet upon close observance
as constantly brilliant as the Sun

The moments, the stars, the illusions
all pieces of the fabric we interpret as Life

Yet we remain the constant observers of it all.
cRb 9.4.13

S ource
O f
U nconditional
L ove

cRb 9.8.13

We live in a world which has created an economic structure based on the profitability of war... we must each come to understand that war is the cancer of collective humanity.
Nobody wins or gains anything... 
Peace to each of you.
cRb 9.9.13

On this day of dark remembrance 
let us now focus on Light.

The Light that all the souls
who left his plane of existence
in that holocaust left behind

They are messengers now to all humans
reminding us that our choices
can be very hideous and cataclysmic

Reminding us that greed and jealousy
are the two evils from which
this heinous action has stemmed from

Let us connect to those innocent victims
in our thoughts, chants and prayers
and ask for forgiveness and compassion

For all of humanity
that it may rise and shift
out of this violent and destructive
behavioral pattern of living

This framework of existence
is not Living Life
but the end of humanity.

cRb 9.11.13

When we let go we are free to experience everything in a myriad of new possibilities. cRb 9.16.13

The expansion of consciousness occurs naturally through the process of releasing fear. cRb 9.16.13


P erfectly
E ngaged
A ctivating
C ollective
E ndearment


May the energies of this wonderful Equinox be with you as you accept your place within the changes of the planet.

Each of us are here for this sacred ceremony of human and planetary evolution and join  together in many different ways to assist.

I Am grateful to each of you for allowing me to see myself in you and keep me focused on what we have come here for.

Shungo “One heart, one mind, one universe.”

Let us all Awaken
to the Divine within
and fear not
what others glean
for in our Presence
they will see themselves.
cRb 9.22.13

There in the midst of it all
swirling around me like leaves on a fall day
Again I am lifted into the vibration
my soul reverberating
remembering how it all could be
if we all at once
let go again.
cRb 9.23.13

Between misinformation, censorship and controlled media we are now in a war for truth. So many of the world controllers have infiltrated every segment of information gathering and those they cannot, they will censor.

They will now make up stories in order to classify every human by interests and target them specifically as they grow in their ability to collect and link each one of us to some label for further infiltration.

This is not unlike what was done in the sixties but on a giant scale through their technology. Stay in your Heart space and watch what your mind chooses to get attracted to. They are setting up to discredit everyone that is not in agreement with their cause.

Stay free, eyes open, no fear.

And the seeds of Light
sprout Rays of Love
that all may share in Peace

Monday, September 2, 2013

August Desktop Musings

It has been quite a month of energetic activity and there is a sense that all things have changed...

Can we forget who we really are?

Do we dare to share it with each other?

Activate your Angelic Presence without fear...  for it is this Light that will carry you through as the "beauty of God".

The Manifesting Angel Iofiel reminds us that when we are attuned with our Eternal Self, we express the Harmony that is our unique reflection of that which we call God.

cRb 8.2.13

 Within the center of you
Of your loving heart I reside
I Am the Alpha and the Omega
The presence of Light That Shines
Our journey never ends 
It becomes more as we walk along
My heart in yours 
Your heart in mine
Precious truth
cRb 8.1.13


Eternally flowing

Acceptance of all situations

Constantly removing

cRb 8.3.13

Picture posted on facebook artist unknown

For kindness to be shared , one must be kind to oneself.
cRb 8.4.13

So how do we see miracles... 
not with our eyes but our hearts.

So how do we re-enter this dimension of living bodies without having been transformed.

It is by Our Grace which has no fear and cannot die.

cRb 8.5.13 


In the shifting sands

we dance

rising heat

searing the soles

of our bare feet

In the blazing Sun

our transformation

is accelerated

as we burn away

in the Alchemist's Fire
cRb 8.6.13 


Can we ignore a radiant glow

that comes from the heart

to touch us in places

long ago forgotten

and humble us enough

to say Thank You

I Love You...
I think not!

cRb 8.12.13


In this world which is now changing forever, let us open our hearts as wide as possible.

May we perceive each other through the lens of our hearts, rather than our eyes and mind.              cRb 8.18.13

Blue Moon Rising 8.20.13

Oh precious heart in which we dwell

allow us to see the stars we are

Cast among your heavenly body
One heartbeat of separation

One breath of brilliance

in undying Love for each other.
cRb 8.29.13

 In Closing I leave you with this...

What are we... but God Consciousness that pervades the Universe.

And underneath all our knowledge and understanding there is a sense,

A sense of a special presence all around.

A presence that goes beyond all that we know cognitively, for words are at a loss when we experience everything in the cosmos all at the same time.

How can we describe the feeling of knowing all there is... all truths that feed the soul...

A knowing that connects a dew drop to a flower.

And at that point we understand how the dew loves the flower... and thus brings joy not only to both... but to the world.

As one is merged into the continuum of the vastness of expansive thought.

Holding one another in warm embrace...

We find spirit the essence of LOVE.

Love which thus condenses in the material realm... to form the body.

Dr. Paul Haider



Sunday, August 4, 2013

June & July Desktop Notes

Art by Endre Balogh

Love all you see with humility
Live all that you feel with reverence
Know all that you possess with the heart of discipline.
With love... with love... with love
~ Hale Makua

Innocence is the space
between thoughts
where the beauty
of all creation
dwells ...
May you return there often
cRb 6.3.13

...to J C
We can be free to choose our dream
and yet not remain in this 3d plane
cautiously picking each path we travel
with Light and Dark on either side
this we have come for, you and I
spinning now our webs of life
casting shadows against a wall
on which we seek for signs
remembering well the Love we are
the shimmering Light of those we left behind
as well as the truth which does not change


Sensing a more synchronous shifting of energies
in which we will have more freedom within
to accept and remember  our truth
with assistance from multiple sources now
seeing a time-lock having been aligned
in which an influx of Light has been
reintroduced into this plane of existence
that has been blocked by constructs
which are now no longer functioning
as a result of an overwhelming  response
of Humans recalibrating and undoing
the substrata of the paradigm

...to P S
And so when the Thunderbird calls
are we not to answer with our presence
standing awestruck in the din of its wings
resounding through every cell of our bodies

You have brought us now into its heart
filling us with energies of transformation
as bold and exciting as those
upon which your eyes have received

Each of us thank you and May the weather spirits always call your name.

cRb 2013

 ...to L P J
And so the path from womb to now
well marked by heartbeats
written in words
spoken in time
has brought us once again
to celebrate you
May your river flow in refreshing movements
leaving us to visit in its swirling pools
that we all so love to come and bathe in
Happy Birthday _/♥\_


Today let us be One with the pollinators
Let us join with them in the world of the living
Where the destroyers of life are not welcome
cRb 7.11.13

The Seven Master Crystals are, Clear Quartz, Ruby, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Emerald, Silver and Gold.
The Council of Seven are, Cry-El-o-el, Ru-Bast-el, Lazawardel,
NUN-el, Vert-el, Argen-tel-m and Au-rumel.

We are a race of storytellers and as I read this thread a story unfolds of how humanity gets  trapped in them.

Perhaps this issue is testing our ability to let go of stories and the beliefs we create around them.

We are now creating new ones which will overwrite the old; much like when we format and overwrite the hard drive on a computer. 

This does not invalidate the old stories for without them we would not have arrived here at this conjunction but it modifies the outcome of the energy we bring to this planet and are a part of.

Each of us as humans must be able to transcend the stories we have created in order to assist in bringing forth and proceed into the next dimensional vortex. 

cRb 7.12.13

The only 4 letter F word we should be offended by is FEAR...
cRb 7.17.13 

hallelujah be the chorus
reverberating through the quanta
each single cell
releasing pain to Joy and then we dance alone and yet in unison cRb 7.28.13

 And here is an older one I found...

The rest of the world is now beginning to take responsibility for the errors which have been thrust upon them unknowingly. As a collective of human beings they have a far reaching past like the indigenous peoples North America and many of us who are now connecting to our ancestral DNA see the horror which awaits in the future if it is not addressed.

There will be a battle on Earth unlike any other we have ever seen... it is about our existence and that of all living beings. We must maintain our heart sense and know that we are not alone in this and it will be our declaration of independence as Humans.

Our strength is in knowing that through Love not fear we will set it all aright. May Peace abide within each of you as we move forward and bring about balance once again.
cRb 5.20.13

Many Blessings to you all

Peace, Light and Love